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Mandala Illustration

Watercolor mandala illustration by Anne Herman

Anne Herman is a plastic artist born in Luxembourg, based in Barcelona. She works in large formats, mainly using acrylic paint. She also develops her activities polyphonically along with her pictorial activity, explores other fields of plastic art such as: photography, landscape, staging of emotions, collages, drawings with Chinese ink, among others. You can find more about her works under her artistic name @anne.elizza

We have known Anne for few years, and we are moved by her work and creativity. We connect immediately with her pictorial language and sensitivity for nature and femininity. To illustrate our mandala project, we immediately thought of her, to help us empower in feminine recreating the magic of the cosmos with the illustrations of the feminine universe of the 5 dakinis or Buddhist deities that inhabit each of us.

The MANDALA PROJECT in the words of AnnelizzA

“I have known Laura and Raju for some years and I really appreciate the work they do with firiri, so I was very excited when they offered me to illustrate their mandala project for the new firiri campaign.
I am delighted to illustrate the mandala that represents the five dakinis: Karma, Vajra, Ratna, Padma and Buddha. As women we are unique beings capable of leaving a mark on our passage through this world and I feel that this is my opportunity.
The essential thing in my illustrations is to honor all women, those beings of free spirit, free as the wind and always on the move, as the philosophy and natural fiber of firiri .
It is a pleasure for me to have the opportunity to collaborate with firiri, which gives voice to creativity and sustainability through its garments, creating unique and original pieces. In addition to doing so, through fair trade, responsible production and consumption.”

Do you believe in Magic? We do. That is why we are proud to create this emotional experience MANDALA PROJECT for unique women of free spirit like you. From Nepal we bring you the essence of the Himalayas, the mandala, as a tool for transformation and empowerment that we want to share with you. We present you this experiential map to accompany you on the journey to the inner essence. For you to discover your best version. Here and now. Because magic is what you do!

All women are unique, complete and beautiful in themselves. Travel to the mandala project and discover the goddesses in you! And above all have fun! Live emotion, choose firiri - fashion with soul.